
AI Stakeholder Analytics
& Risk Management

Utilizing a million data points to solve global
challenges with a human touch


Solv provides organization, structure, and powerful intelligence for stakeholder management with a navigable social model and actionable insights.

Where a social model can be useful

Fostering clarity and alignment every step of the way

Risk Management

Consensus Building

Community Co-Creation

Permit accceleration

Zoning change acceleration

Land acquisition analysis

Project feasibility

Masterplan agreements

Ecosystem analysis

Investment catalogs

Community mapping

Gap analysis

Where we can help

Learn how Solv supports project outcomes in various environments.

Our field of action

Our field of action


Large-scale energy, mobility, and water projects in response to climate change.

Compare the impact and costs of alternative scenarios to accelerate decision-making and realization.

Get in touch

How Solv works

Structure and methodology for stakeholder managers, step by step


Organize & analyze your documents

Through a data vault with simple navigation, you can import your existing reports and documents. Solv, powered by a proprietary AI model driven by Natural Language Processing, extracts the key stakeholders and their values and interests from these documents, converting them into a dynamic and usable database.


Visualize your data

Solv's social model brings all stakeholders to life. Clear graphs provide deep insights into relationships, identify resistance, and highlight opportunities for support. As your stakeholders or their interests change, the social model is updated. Every interaction with stakeholders is logged and preserved.


Mobilize your stakeholders

Solv provides script advice and a question and project elements library for interviews, workshops, and town hall meetings to engage effectively with your stakeholders and gather the right data. We reach large groups of stakeholders through online polls. Solv works on computers, tablets, and smartphones. Solv is GDPR compliant.


Optimize your project

Solv analyzes different project scenarios and compares stakeholder impact. By adding additional financial, spatial, or environmental KPIs, you can build a custom dashboard that aligns with your strategic interests and predicts the optimal project definition.


Minimize your risks

Solv's advanced risk management tools help you identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks. With real-time data and predictive analytics, Solv highlights vulnerabilities and offers actionable recommendations. Continuous monitoring of stakeholder feedback ensures you address emerging issues promptly, protecting your project and building stakeholder trust.

We're proud of our projects and deeply value our trusted partners

Building long-term sustainable partnerships

Customer Stories

SOLV-ing global challenges with a human touch